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From Abstract Component Descriptions to Timed I/O-Interfaces in AUTOSAR

Stefan Neumann and Sebastian Wätzoldt

(Submission #5)


We present how based on a given AUTOSAR Software Component (SWC) a behavior model in form of a set of timed automata is derived. We show how abstraction is applied on the derived automaton model to create a timed interface that can be used for the purpose of compositional reasoning. When applying abstraction potentially information gets lost that is required for being able to distinguish between valid and invalid behavior. We introduce a methodical approach that allows finding out if the derived interface is expressive enough to exclude all invalid behavior of the SWC based on the derived interface. In the case that invalid behavior is not excluded by the interface, the process is able to generate example interactions with the SWC that lead to such an invalid behavior.


[Paper (PDF)]  

START Conference Manager (V2.56.8 - Rev. 1750)